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PAIKKA | 550 Vandalia Street, #165 Saint Paul, MN 55114
June 23, 2016
We invite you to join together with other nonprofit and philanthropic leaders to dig into the foundational fears, challenges, and alternatives facing the nonprofit business model. How do we evolve beyond the grace of philanthropy towards a rally cry of sustainable giving—pivoting our sector to become more adaptive in creating market-based strategies to earn new mission-supporting revenue?
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What is one of the biggest barriers haunting the nonprofit sector? Our name: nonprofit.

There is a disturbing mythology of scarcity driving the motives, decisions, and business culture radiating throughout the nonprofit sector. It’s a mythology rooted in a deficit-driven narrative and it has damaging consequences on how we justify the value of our services.

Pollen and GiveMN invite you to join together with other nonprofit and philanthropic leaders to rip this conversation wide open and dig into the foundational fears, challenges, and alternatives facing nonprofits. How do we evolve beyond the grace of philanthropy towards a rally cry of sustainable giving—pivoting our sector to become more adaptive in creating market-based strategies to earn new mission-supporting revenue?

In this conversation, Kate Barr, executive director of Nonprofits Assistance Fund, will push a raw and honest discussion about navigating this critical moment in the nonprofit business life cycle.

We will hear about the real challenges and hopes of nonprofits as they barrel forward into entrepreneurial business models sustained by the “double bottom line.”

Then, turning the conversation inward to the audience, we’ll discuss together what this means for the future of not only the sector, but also our specific organizations. What does it mean to provide value as nonprofits and how can that value be realized through earned income support? How do we begin to rally our mission-driven community to become a leading force of social enterprise activity?



550 Vandalia Street, #165
Saint Paul, MN 55114

Thursday, June 23, 2016
7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Light breakfast will be served.



Kate Barr, Nonprofits Assistance Fund
Jake Blumberg, GiveMN
John Fetzer, Northwest Area Foundation

Jamie Millard, Pollen


What is the refund policy?
We understand life happens. However, in order to receive a full refund, we do require a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to the event. Please email [email protected] to make this request if needed.

Where’s the best place to park?
200 free parking spots in the surface lot adjacent to the building.



  • +
    Kate Barr
    Executive Director, Nonprofits Assistance Fund
  • +
    Jake Blumberg
    Executive Director, GiveMN
  • +
    John Fetzer
    Program Officer, Northwest Area Foundation
  • +
    Jamie Millard
    Executive Director, Pollen