The Pollen community rallied together and raised $22,571 during our first ever founding supporter drive. A staggering 280 of you signed on as founding supporters, and many of you took a moment to share your stories with us. Whether it was finding a new job, or meeting a fellow Pollenite who inspired you to take action, it’s clear this community has made an impact on countless leaders throughout the region.

Because of your generosity, Pollen will be able to continue supporting and connecting leaders across Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. This has been a great year for us. We’ve published 18 features and over 70 Voice stories, hosted 12 events reaching more than 900 attendees, and connected thousands of people to 1,700 job opportunities, volunteer and board positions, events, and calls-to-action. With your support, we will double-down on these programs in 2016 and continue to help people break down barriers to build better connected communities.



Pollen raised $10,658 on Give to the Max Day alone!


Contributions came from 280 founding supporters over the course of the supporter drive.


We tweeted 126 times on Give to the Max Day.



Our staff DJ managed to play 12 Justin Bieber songs during #GTMD15 (and lived to tell about it).


Morning came early. We started working at 2AM.


We posted 167 thank you graphics.


Made 12 Give to the Max puns (#puntothemax).



20 cups of coffee consumed before 10AM.  That’s 4,000 milligrams of coffee.


1 bag of Swedish fish disappeared in record time.


We ate no fewer than 7 donuts.




11 Pollen staff and volunteers downed 38 slices of pizza.


15,892  fundraising emails sent.


1 Christmas song on the playlist.


5 complaints about the Christmas song.



Meghan penned 12 custom illustrations.


8 trips to the pay station to plug the meter.


15, yes 15, Apple computers booted up and ready for action.


Julie downloaded donation reports from no less than 40 times.

Special Thanks

Ballinger | Leafblad – Marcia Ballinger and Lars Leafblad 

Toscano Advisors 

Jonathan Weinhagen 


Pollen Board of Directors:

D.A. Bullock
Megan Laudenschlager
Paige Pearson Meyer
Dania Toscano Miwa
Dana Nelson
Zachary Packineau
Jonathan Weinhagen
Alfonso Wenker 


Pollen’s Super Interns: 

Tanner Groehler

Taylor Lubich

Danielle Shupe

Angela Vang

Tara Woznicki