White supremacy is defined as a system designed to set whiteness as the default for societal norms. This means in white-led and white-dominant organizations, whiteness as the standard for office behavior, workplace values, and the criteria used to discern merit. For professionals of color, this at minimum means a lack of career opportunities and advancement, high attrition rates, inability to make real change even when in leadership positions, lack of job fulfillment, depression, and stress.
We at the Twin Cities Daily Planet and Pollen have compiled this four-part syllabus to offer resources that help you begin to deeply understand and challenge workplace norms, and explore new realities around equity and justice. If you haven’t already, start by reading our essay on Confronting White Supremacy in the Workplace and listening to this May 11th Unraveled Network Part I panel discussion on white supremacy in the workplace.
Table of Contents:
I. Naming White Supremacy
II. White Supremacy in the Workplace
III. The White Savior Complex
IV. Dismantling White Supremacy
- 10 Things Everyone Should Know About White Supremacy
- History and Presence of White Supremacy in Minnesota
- A Good Time For the Truth: POC Art and the Pathology of White Audiences
- The Racial Politics of Time
- Racism without Racists
- On America’s Racial Terrorism, ‘Our Silence Has Condemned Us’
- The Link Between Racism and PTSD
- How To Protect White People’s Feelings in the Workplace
- The White Supremacy of Being Asked Where I’m From
- “Minnesota Nice” and Minnesota’s Racism
- Too Many People of Color Feel Uncomfortable at Work
- Asian Americans Feel Held Back at Work by Stereotypes
- Being Black But Not Too Black in the Workplace
- #BlackWomenAtWork Hashtag Uncovers the Everyday Racism Black Women Face at Work
- The Voice of Nonprofit Talent
- Protesters force Minneapolis School Board to rehire people of color
- The White-Savior Industrial Complex
- When We Hire White Folks to Work in Communities of Color, It Can Get Confusing
- Are You or Your Org Guilty of Trickle-Down Community Engagement? (part 1)
- Trickle-Down Community Engagement (part 2)
- Language of Appeasement
- Why I’m Done Talking About Diversity
- Shedding Whiteness: an introductory guide
- Whites Talking to Whites: moving beyond anti-racism and privilege
- What Does Sponsorship Look Like
- The Case for Reparations
- Funders’ Role in “Protecting” Marginalized Communities During the Next Four Years
- Structural Racism and Supporting Black Lives [in Healthcare]